Custom Countertops

Step 1: Select a Color

Select from one of our 19 available and in stock prefabricated laminate countertops. All countertops come standard at a 25-1/2″ depth and come with a pre-fabricated backsplash and front bullnose. All countertops are sold at either 6′ or 12′ lengths.

Step 2: Fill out the Worksheet

Please transfer all of your finalized measurements to our countertop worksheet. The measurements that you provide to us will be cut to the EXACT dimensions that are written on the worksheet, please include any overhang if applicable.

Printable Countertop Worksheet

End Caps and End Splashes

When filling out the form please circle either “ES” or “EC”.

“ES” stands for end splash, typically you would want an end splash if that side of the countertop is butting up against the wall.

“EC” stands for end cap, typically you would want an end cap in area that is an open or exposed area or up against a stove, or a fridge.

If you would like to leave an edge raw without an end cap or end splash please do not circle anything.